.. _readme-chpl-ipe: Interactive Chapel ================== The Chapel team has initiated an effort to develop an Interactive Programming Environment (IPE) for Chapel. This system will allow Chapel developers to write applications in an incremental and interactive fashion e.g.:: IPE 0.1 1 > var x = 20; 2 > proc double(x : int) : int return x + x; 3 > writeln('2 * x is ', double(x)); 2 * x is 40 without the traditional edit-compile-run cycle. Release 1.11 includes a proof-of-concept implementation of this effort. The current functionality is extremely limited, and somewhat fragile, but we believe that there is enough behavior to provide a sense of the direction we are pursuing. It is expected that the IPE will mature reasonably quickly over the coming months. If the IPE is of interest to you then you may wish to track our progress on Github. **Contents**: #. `No Additional Installation`_ #. Overview_ #. `The IPE subset of Chapel`_ #. `chpl-ipe Future directions`_ .. _No Additional Installation: No Additional Installation -------------------------- For this release there are no additional installation instructions. If you have a working version of the Chapel compiler then the IPE should also be in your path! Just run ``chpl-ipe``. .. _Overview: Overview -------- To use the interpreter on a unix-like system do:: prompt> chpl-ipe You will be greeted with:: IPE 0.1 1 > i.e. an indication that you have started version 0.1 of the IPE and then an interactive prompt. At this point you can type simple Chapel statements e.g.:: IPE 0.1 1 > var x = 20; 2 > writeln('X is ', x); X is 20 3 > proc double(x : int) : int return x + x; 4 > writeln('2X is ', double(x)); 2X is 40 5 > For convenience you can specify the name of a file that contains Chapel definitions on the command line. This file will be processed by the interpreter and then the interactive prompt will appear. This saves typing the same code each time you start the IPE. Suppose the file *Square.chpl* contains the definition of a procedure that computes the square of an integer value. You could then do:: > chpl-ipe Square.chpl IPE 0.1 1 > writeln('square(5) => ', square(5)); square(5) => 25 2 > .. _The IPE subset of Chapel: The IPE subset of Chapel ------------------------ The version of the IPE that is included in the 1.11 release implements a very small subset of Chapel. Once again, this is expected to change quickly during the coming months and so you may wish to track the github version of the code base. Variables ~~~~~~~~~ The IPE supports variables with types bool, int, real, and c_string. These are declared in the natural way with local type inference e.g.:: 1 > var x : int = 20; 2 > var y = 30.3; // Equivalent to var y : real = 30.3; 3 > var z : int; // Equivalent to var z : int = 0; Assignment ~~~~~~~~~~ The assignment operator is defined for bool, int, and real e.g:: 1 > var x : int; // x is 0 2 > var y = 42; // y is 42 3 > x = y; // x is now 42 The types of the LHS and RHS must match. There is currently no support for Chapel's implicit coercion from int to real during assignment. Arithmetic operators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE implements the unary +, - operators on int and real and the binary operators +, -, \*, / on int and real. Once again the IPE does not currently implement implicit coercion from int to real. Equality operators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE implements == and != on pairs of bool, int, and real. Comparison operators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE implements <, >, <=, >= on pairs of int and real. If statement ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE implements the IF statement e.g. the code:: var value : int = 0; writeln('value (expect 0) ', value); if true then value = 6; writeln('value (expect 6) ', value); if false then value = 2; writeln('value (expect 6) ', value); if value > 9 then value = 2; else value = 10; writeln('value (expect 10) ', value); will produce:: value (expect 0) 0 value (expect 6) 6 value (expect 6) 6 value (expect 10) 10 While statement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE implements a restricted form of the while statement; it does not support the break or continue statement e.g. entering the following in to the IPE:: var i : int = 0; var n : int = 10; var res : int = 1; while (i < n) { res = res * 2; i = i + 1; } writeln('i: ', i); writeln('n: ', n); writeln('res: ', res); will produce:: i: 10 n: 10 res: 1024 User defined procedures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE supports user defined procedures with the limitation that any formals must be explicitly typed and cannot be named or take a default value. Additionally the type of the return value, if any, must be specified. If there is no return value, then void must be specified. For example the following implements square() for an integer:: 1> proc square(x : int) : int return x * x; Return statement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IPE implements the return statement within a procedure with the limitation that if it appears, then it must be the final statement of the procedure. This implies that there can be only one return statement in a procedure and that a return cannot appear within an if statement or a while statement. Output functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a small set of output functions. There is a procedure print() which takes one argument of type bool, int, real, or c_string and prints the type and the value e.g.:: 1 > var x = 30; 2 > print(x); int 30 There is a restricted form of writeln(). The first version takes a single c_string and prints the string and then a newline e.g.:: 1> writeln('Hello world'); Hello world The remaining versions take two arguments. The first argument must be a c_string, and the second argument must be a bool, int, or real. This prints the c_string followed by a representation of the second argument e.g.:: 1 > var x = 42; 2 > writeln('The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is ', x); The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42 .. _chpl-ipe Future directions: chpl-ipe Future directions -------------------------- We expect the IPE to mature rapidly during the development for release 1.12. In the immediate term we plan to * Stabilize the implementation so that a small variety of simple sequential programs can be executed * Support applications with multiple tasks by implementing the **begin** statement * Support multi-locale applications by implementing the **on** statement. i.e. to go deep before we go wide. Once we have developed this core functionality we can turn our attention to, in no well-defined order, * Generic functions * Arrays and domains * Iterators * Classes and Records * Generic types * For loops, forall loops, and so on It is not currently clear how much of this will be present in the 1.12 release but we hope you share our excitement about the possibilities!