

use RangeChunk;

The RangeChunk module assists with dividing a bounded range of any idxType and stride into numChunks. Chunks are 0-based, with the 0 index chunk including range.low and the numChunks - 1 index chunk including range.high.

Chunks are accessible in several ways:

  • as a range, through an iterator
  • as a range, through a query
  • as a tuple of 0-based orders into the range, through an iterator
  • as a tuple of 0-based orders into the range, through a query

Given that it will be uncommon for the length of a given range to be divisible by numChunks, there are three different remainder policies available, expressed by the enum RemElems.

enum RemElems { Thru, Pack, Mod }

RemElems specifies the distribution of remainder elements:

  • Thru: default policy; remainder elements will be distributed throughout numChunks chunks
  • Pack: chunks at the front will receive ceil(range.length / numChunks) elements, then one chunk will receive what is left over; the actual number of chunks may be less than numChunks
  • Mod: in numChunks chunks, every chunk that has an index less than range.length % numChunks will receive a remainder element
iter chunks(r: range(?RT, bounded, ?S), numChunks: integral, remPol: RemElems = Thru): range(RT, bounded, S)

Iterates through chunks 0 to numChunks - 1 of range r, emitting each as a range. The remainders will be distributed according to remPol.

proc chunk(r: range(?RT, bounded, ?S), numChunks: integral, idx: integral, remPol: RemElems = Thru): range(RT, bounded, S)

Returns the idx chunk of range r as a range. The remainders will be distributed according to remPol.

iter chunksOrder(r: range(?RT, bounded, ?), numChunks: integral, remPol: RemElems = Thru): 2*(RT)

Iterates through chunks 0 to numChunks - 1 of range r, emitting each as a 0-based order tuple. The remainders will be distributed according to remPol.

proc chunkOrder(r: range(?RT, bounded, ?), numChunks: integral, idx: integral, remPol: RemElems = Thru): 2*(RT)

Returns the idx chunk of range r as a 0-based order tuple. The remainders will be distributed according to remPol.