
Chapel is transitioning from the use of constructors for class and record types to a new strategy called initializers. Initializers retain the convenience of constructors for simple types and provide additional power and flexibility for more complex types; particularly for generic types.

A discussion of the original design and rationale is provided in CHIP 10.

Chapel's 1.16 release, in October 2017, provided a preview implementation of this feature.

Release 1.17 advances this effort. Bugs have been fixed, features have been added, and many components of the internal implementation of Chapel have transitioned from explicit constructors to explicit initializers. A discussion of the experiences and concerns from this effort is provided in CHIP 23. These experiences resulted in a useful simplification for record types and an important change in the specification for classes with inheritance.

This release continues to provide full support for constructors and it provides significant support for initializers. The Chapel team remains determined to deprecate constructors as soon as initializers are sufficiently mature.


Consider a simple record declaration

record LabeledPoint {
  var x:   real;
  var y:   real;
  var txt: string;

var p1 = new LabeledPoint(x = 1.0, y = 2.0);
var p2 = new LabeledPoint(txt = 'Seattle');

For release 1.17 the compiler continues to generate an all-fields constructor for this program. As this is a record, rather than a class, the compiler also continues to generate a default copy constructor and a default assignment operator. These could be written as

proc LabeledPoint(x:   real   = 0.0,
                  y:   real   = 0.0,
                  txt: string = '') {
  this.x   = x;
  this.y   = y;
  this.txt = txt;

proc LabeledPoint(other: LabeledPoint) {
  this.x   = other.x;
  this.y   = other.y;
  this.txt = other.txt;

proc = (ref dst: LabeledPoint, src: LabeledPoint) {
  dst.x   = src.x;
  dst.y   = src.y;
  dst.txt = src.txt;

For simple type declarations like this, the migration from constructors to initializers will be largely unnoticed. At some point in the future the compiler will generate a default all-fields initializer and a default copy initializer. The definition of the default initializers will be largely the same as the default constructors but with the inclusion of an additional builtin method.

proc init(x:   real   = 0.0,
          y:   real   = 0.0,
          txt: string = '') {
  this.x   = x;
  this.y   = y;
  this.txt = txt;

proc init(other: LabeledPoint) {
  this.x   = other.x;
  this.y   = other.y;
  this.txt = other.txt;

proc postinit() {


Separately the compiler will continue to generate the same default assignment operator. The new operator will perform three steps

  1. allocate space
  2. invoke an appropriate version of the init method based on the types of the subexpressions for the new operator
  3. invoke the postinit method

This effort would be largely uninteresting if it were merely a change in name. The benefits of initializers compared to constructors become evident for more sophisticated types and particularly for generic types.

The init and postinit methods are discussed in more detail below. This tech note discusses these methods for the simpler case of record types in some detail, and then describes the extensions required to support classes with inheritance.

Constructors or Initializers but not both

In release 1.17, a record or class type may include user-defined constructors or user-defined initializers but not both. If there are no user-defined initializers then the compiler will continue to generate the appropriate default constructors.

If there are any user-defined initializers then the default constructors are suppressed. For a record type, a default copy initializer will be generated unless it is defined by the application. However there will not be a default all-fields initializer.

Initializers for Records

Field initialization may be customized by defining one or more overloads of the init method. Consider the following definition for LabeledPoint. There are two overloads for the init method that are distinguished by their signatures. These methods cannot return a value. The type designer can rely on the compiler to insert default field initializations when appropriate.

record LabeledPoint {
  var x:   real   = 1.0;
  var y:   real   = 1.0;
  var txt: string = 'Unlabeled';

  proc init(_x: real, _y: real) {
    x = _x;
    y = _y;
                     // Compiler inserts txt = 'Unlabeled';

  proc init(_txt: string) {
                     // Compiler inserts x = 1.0;
                     // Compiler inserts y = 1.0;
    txt = _txt;

const p1 = new LabeledPoint(10.0, 20.0);
const p2 = new LabeledPoint('London');

Fields must be initialized in field declaration order. This reduces ambiguity for omitted field initializations and ensures that observable side-effects occur in a well defined order.

Fields may be initialized within a conditional statement. The same set of fields must be initialized in every branch. The compiler will initialize any omitted fields in a natural way.

record Point {
  var x: real = 1.0;
  var y: real = 1.0;
  var z: real = 5.0;

  proc init(_z: real) {
    if _z < 5 {
      x = _z;
                     // Compiler inserts y = 1.0;
    } else {
                     // Compiler inserts x = 1.0;
      y = _z;

    z = _z;

  proc init(_x : real, _y : real) {
    if _x + _y < 8.0 {
      x = _x;
      y = _y;
    }                // Compiler inserts the else branch
                     //     else {
                     //     x = 1.0;
                     //     y = 1.0;
                     //   }

                     // Compiler inserts z = 5.0;

The complete method

To promote safety, an init method cannot call a method on this until every field has been initialized. Similarly an init method cannot pass this as an actual to a function until every field has been initialized.

The support for default field initialization introduces the potential for confusion about the overall status of initialization. This is resolved by calling a builtin method named complete. Unlike the builtin methods init and postinit, this method cannot be overridden. Calling this method makes it clear to the developer and the compiler that the record should be considered to be fully initialized. The compiler will insert any remaining default field initializations.

record LabeledPoint {
  var x:   real;
  var y:   real;
  var txt: string;

  proc init(x: real) {
    this.x = x;

                     // Compiler inserts y   = 1.0;
                     // Compiler inserts txt = '';


    writeln('In init ', this);

  proc init(x: real, y: real) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
                     // Compiler inserts this.complete();

Delegating to other init methods

An overload of the init method may delegate to another init method. For example it might be convenient to define three overloads as follows

record LabeledPoint {
  var x:   real;
  var y:   real;
  var txt: string;

  proc init(x: real, y: real, txt : string) {
    this.x   = x;
    this.y   = y;
    this.txt = txt;
                      // Compiler inserts a call to this.complete();

  proc init(x: real, y: real) {
    init(x, y, 'Unlabeled');

    writeln('init 2 :- ', this);

  proc init(txt: string) {
    init(1.0, 1.0, txt);


A field cannot be initialized more than once. This requirement is enforced by preventing an init method from initializing any fields if it delegates to another init method.

The current instance is known to be fully initialized when a call to a delegated initializer returns. It is safe to call non-builtin methods and to pass this as an actual to functions without calling this.complete().

An init method may delegate to another init method within a conditional statement. However every branch must fully initialize the record. This can be accomplished by delegating to an init method or by invoking the builtin method this.complete() within every branch.

Record Initialization vs Record Assignment

It is important to distinguish between initialization and assignment within the body of a record initializer. For background consider the following simple examples for variable initialization and assignment

proc example(other : MyRecord) {
  var x = 10;                     // x is initialized

  x = 20;                         // Assignment operator is invoked

  var r = new MyRecord(...);      // r is initialized

  r = other;                      // Assignment operator is invoked

  r = new MyRecord(...);          // Initialization of an internal temporary
                                  // followed by assignment to r

The difference between initialization and assignment is generally unimportant for a variable with a primitive type or a class type. There is usually little need to override the assignment operator for these types and the default assignment operators are as efficient as variable initialization.

The distinction is particularly important for variables with record type when the record includes fields with class type. In this case it is important to consider the ownership of the class instance that is referenced by the field. The assignment operator for the record must enforce the desired rules for sharing the class instance and the class instance should be deleted when the last reference is removed.

Consider the initializer for Point3D in the following contrived example. Point3D includes a field with a record type. This field is initialized and then assigned.

record Point2D {
  var x : real;
  var y : real;

  proc init() {
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;

  proc init(_x : real, _y : real) {
    x = _x;
    y = _y;

record Point3D {
  var p : Point2D;
  var z : real = 1.0;

  proc init(_p : Point2D, _z : real) {
    p = _p;                       // Initialize p
    z = _z;                       // Initialize z

    p = _p;                       // Assign p

var p2 = new Point2D(10.0, 20.0);
var p3 = new Point3D(p2, 30.0);

Within the init method for Point3D, the local field p is initialized using the default copy initializer. Later it is assigned, in fact to the same value, using the default assignment operator.

Now consider the following alternative and invalid definition for Point3D.init()

record Point3D {
  var p : Point2D;
  var z : real = 1.0;

  proc init(_p : Point2D, _z : real) {
    z = _z;                       // Initialize z

    p = _p;                       // COMPILER ERROR

It is unclear if the type designer intended that both of these statements should be field initializations but accidentally reversed the initializations, or s/he intended the compiler to insert a default field initialization before the initialization of z followed by an assignment. This ambiguity is addressed by signaling an error at compile time. Here is an alternative that clarifies that assignment is intended

record Point3D {
  var p : Point2D;
  var z : real = 1.0;

  proc init(_p : Point2D, _z : real) {
                                  // Compiler insert p.init()
    z = _z;                       // Initialize z


    p = _p;                       // Assignment

Post Initialization for Records

A record type that defines an initializer also implements a postinit method. This method is invoked when the init method returns i.e. after the record is fully initialized. The postinit method does not accept any formals and does not return a value. The compiler-generated definition has no observable effect.

A user may override this method and customize the behavior. Writing a postinit method provides a way for the record author to leverage the default all-fields initializer while also specifying additional computation to perform before returning the new object.

Initializers for Generic Records

Consider the following record declaration

record Point {
  type t;
  var  x: t;
  var  y: t;


The declaration describes a family of user-defined types rather than a specific type. The set of actual types that will be generated by this declaration depends on the definition of any overloads for the init method and the set of new expressions in the program.

Now consider the following program

record Point {
  type t;
  var  x: t;
  var  y: t;

  proc init(x, y) {
    this.t = x.type;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

var p1 = new Point(1,   2);
var p2 = new Point(1.0, 2.0);

This program will generate two user defined types; Point(int) and Point(real). In Chapel we say that the Point declaration defines a generic type.

A user-defined type is generic if it includes at least one generic field. A generic field is one of

  1. a specified or unspecified type alias,
  2. a parameter field, or
  3. a var or const field that has no type and no initialization expression.

User-defined initializers provide notable flexibility for generic types compared to user-defined constructors. This flexibility is evident in the range of init method that can be supported and hence for the allowable new expressions.

Initializers for Classes

Class types include two factors that require additional consideration; inheritance, and dynamic dispatch for method calls.

In an application that includes a class type that does not inherit from some other class type and that is not a base type for any other class type, the discussion of initializers for records can be applied directly.

Initializers or Constructors

A base class can rely on initializers or constructors but not both. Release Chapel 1.17 continues to rely on constructors as the default i.e. if there are no user-defined initializers then the base class relies on constructors.

If a base class relies on initializers then any derived classes must rely on initializers i.e. must include user-defined initializers. If a base class relies on constructors then derived classes may not include user-defined initializers.

Parents before Children

Chapel's approach to generic types and for data dependent types, e.g. arrays, may require that a parent's fields be initialized before those of a derived class. This is supported by requiring that an init method to delegate to an init method of the parent class before any local fields are initialized.

In the following example the class Point2 is a generic class that defines two fields that are constrained to be of the same type. The class Point3 defines a field that must also have this type. Hence it is necessary that the initializer for Point2 be analyzed before that of Point3.

class Point2 {
  type t;

  var  x: t;
  var  y: t;

  proc init(x, y) {
    this.t = x.type;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

class Point3 : Point2 {
  var  z: t;

  proc init(x, y) {
    super.init(x, y);

                         // compiler inserts z.init()

  proc init(x, y, z) {
    super.init(x, y);

    this.z = z;

This second example provides an example for data dependent types. It is required the arrays a and b share the same domain and hence the initializer for class Base must execute before the initializer for Derived.

class Base {
  var d : domain(1);
  var a : [d] int;

  proc init(_a : [] int) {
    d = _a.domain;
    a = _a;

class Derived : Base {
  var b : [d] int;

  proc init(_a : [] int) {

    // Compiler inserts initialization for b[]

An init method for a derived class may delegate to another init method for the same class so long as this leads to a delegation to the parent class.

If an init method for a derived class does not delegate to any init method, the compiler will insert a call to super.init() as the first statement.

Dynamic Dispatch

An instance of class type is not fully initialized until the init method for the most derived class returns. Care is required to ensure that a call to a non-init method cannot access an uninitialized field. This is achieved by updating the runtime type of the instance during the execution of the init methods.

An init method may not call any non-init method until the parent class has been initialized i.e. until the call to super.init(...) has returned. At this point the dynamic type of the instance will be that of the parent class. The init method can invoke any method that is defined on the parent class and dynamic dispatch will occur in a manner that is safe. It is also permitted to pass this as an actual to functions so long as the formal can be an instance of the parent type.

If an init method invokes the this.complete() method, the dynamic type of the instance will be updated to match the current type. It becomes possible to invoke methods that are defined on the current type and dynamic dispatch for methods defined on the parent type will use the current type.

The postinit method

The postinit method for the most derived type will be invoked when the selected init method returns. At this point the instance will be fully initialized. Any method calls within an override of a postinit method will dispatch on the instance's final type.

The postinit method for a derived class must delegate to the postinit method for the parent class. It is most natural to delegate to the parent class as the first statement but there is no requirement to do so. If an override of this method does not delegate to the parent class, the compiler will insert a call to super.postinit() as the first statement.

Remaining Work

With the 1.17 release, support for initializers is mostly stable with a few bugs and some unimplemented features remaining. It is recommended that new applications with user-defined class or record types use initializers when possible. Please report any bugs encountered using the guidance described at the bugs page.

Compiler Generated Initializers

Support for compiler generated initializers is considerably more mature than it was for the 1.16 release. With the 1.17 release the developer-oriented flag --force-initializers will attempt to generate default initializers for classes and records defined in application modules.

Additionally the compiler has a mechanism that has been used to cause classes and records that are defined in internal, standard, and package modules to use default initializers rather than default constructors.

While many cases are now working there are still failure cases that require attention.

Interaction With Error Handling

Release 1.17 has limited support for error handling constructs: an initializer cannot be declared as throws, and only try! statements without catch blocks are allowed in the body.

In the world where initializers can throw, we will only allow child classes to throw if the parent initializer throws (though there may be complications with chains of initializers, such as an initializer that calls another initializer on the type, which calls a parent initializer that throws, etc.).


The syntax for declaring a variable includes the ability to use the noinit keyword in place of an initial value. If the variable has record or class type this is intended to call an initializer that customizes the meaning of this keyword for that type. More details on the direction for this support can be found in the noinit section of CHIP 10.