The Chapel Parallel Programming Language


CHIUW 2020

The 7th Annual
Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop

affiliated with IPDPS 2020


May 22–23, 2020
Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, LA, USA
free and online via Zoom (due to Covid-19)
8:30am–4:30pm PDT (GMT–7)

(click here for the CHIUW 2020 Program)

Covid-19 Update: Due to the global pandemic, CHIUW 2020, like IPDPS itself, will not be held in-person in New Orleans as originally planned. Instead, we are moving CHIUW 2020 to an online format that will be open to anyone who wishes to attend. Please see the program page for further details. The remainder of this page reflects the original content that was used when papers and talks were solicited.


Call For Papers and Talks


CHIUW 2020 is the 7th annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, held in conjunction with IPDPS 2020. CHIUW serves as a forum where users and developers of the Chapel language ( can gather to report on work being done with Chapel, exchange ideas, and forge new collaborations. Anyone interested in parallel programming and Chapel is encouraged to attend CHIUW, from long-term enthusiasts to those simply curious to learn more.


Topics of interest for CHIUW include:

  • User experiences writing applications in Chapel
  • Improvements to the Chapel language, compiler, and runtime
  • Performance or benchmark studies involving Chapel
  • Libraries or tools for Chapel programmers
  • Comparisons to other parallel programming models
  • Uses of Chapel in education
  • Related topics likely to be of interest to Chapel enthusiasts


CHIUW 2020 is a full-day workshop consisting of Chapel-related presentations and sessions. We also typically meet informally on a second day to do interactive Chapel-related coding, design, or community-building activities. In more detail:

Talks Day: The main day of CHIUW is primarily made up of submitted presentations describing Chapel-related research and development being undertaken by the community. Those interested in submitting talks or research papers should refer to the Submissions section below.

Other workshop activities will include:

  • A keynote talk from TBA
  • A pre-workshop introduction to Chapel for those new to the language
  • A "State of the Chapel Project" talk
  • An impromptu lightning talks session and/or
  • A panel/community discussion on Chapel priorities and next steps

Coding Day: CHIUW 2020 will also include a separate coding day on May 23. This session is designed to support interactive community activities like programming in Chapel, reviewing code, performance debugging, designing new Chapel features or projects, etc. If you have ideas or suggestions for activities you'd like to pursue or see happen on this day, let us know at:


Submissions to CHIUW 2020 can made in one of two forms: (1) research papers (full or short) or (2) talk proposals. All accepted submissions will be published as part of the IPDPS workshop proceedings (IPDPS-W). Papers that are not accepted for publication at CHIUW 2020 will automatically be considered as a talk-only submission as well. The final set of decisions will be made by the workshop's program and steering committees. All presentation materials will be archived on the CHIUW 2020 website.

Paper Submissions: CHIUW papers should describe novel R&D being undertaken by the authors. CHIUW 2020 will accept full-length papers of up to 10 pages, as well as short papers of up to 4 pages. Papers will be evaluated by the program committee using typical standards for academic research papers, including plagiarism (and self-plagiarism).

Talk Submissions: To propose a talk at CHIUW without an accompanying research paper, submit an extended abstract of 1 page in length describing what you intend to present. CHIUW talks can preview work that is not yet ready for publication, recap work that the speaker has already published, and/or describe work that is not intended for publication. Talk proposals will be evaluated by the program and steering committees based on their expected level of interest to the CHIUW audience.

For either form of submission, please prepare your manuscript using the IEEE conference format and submit it via linklings by the submission deadline below.

Other Ideas?

Given Chapel's open-source nature, CHIUW is intended to become an increasingly community-driven event. To that end, if there is some other activity that you would like to help make happen at CHIUW, please let us know by mailing

Key Dates

  • Nov 12: this call made available
  • Jan 31: Feb 7: (AoE): paper and talk submissions due
  • Mar 6: notification of acceptances
  • Mar 15: camera-ready deadline
  • May 22: CHIUW 2020 talk day
  • May 23: CHIUW 2020 coding day




General Chair:

  • Benjamin Robbins, Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
Steering Committee:
  • Michael Ferguson, Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
  • Mike Merrill, U.S. DOD
  • Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University
  • Marcin Zalewski, NVIDIA

Program Committee:
  • Brad Chamberlain (chair), Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
  • Cathie Olschanowsky (co-chair), Boise State University
  • Maryam Dehnavi, University of Toronto
  • Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam
  • Paul H. Hargrove, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Engin Kayraklioglu, Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
  • Milind Kulkarni, Purdue University
  • Josh Milthorpe, Australian National University
  • Tyler Simon, UMBC
  • Christian Terboven, RWTH Aachen University
  • Rich Vuduc, Georgia Tech
  • Marcin Zalewski, NVIDIA